Monday, November 9, 2009


Friday I had the pleasure of taking out volunteers from the Rockport Aquarium .We were not tyring to catch limits or table food .But needed some specimens for the aquarium. These fish needed to be small and colorful.We were looking for Spanish Hog fish to replace the one that died in a plumbing problem.Unfortunately the waters have cooled off somewhat since Summer.We did catch some Lane snapper that was small enough but we also got lots of them really big for the table. We also got some large Spanish mackerel. On one rig we found the dog snapper were were looking for ,we also found lots of Barracuda.Caught one small one and got cut off lots of time. We even had one run into the side of the boat as I was trying to help land a large blue runner.The waves picked up so we had to head in to the bay .
There at the Fina docks We tried to catch Sargent major but got lots of perch ,sand trout and croaker.
Thanks for the ROCKPORT AQUARIUM for providing a FREE ADMITTANCE for any one wanting to learn about fish in our bays and gulf.

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