We have been catching Bull Reds lately at the jetties . Had a 45", 44" and a 38". The 45" caught on 15 lb test Trilene line . Broke the reel seat and still got it .
I like to have a good time . Did I mention I like to Fish? I started fishing bass tournaments in the early 80's, then got bored catching little five-six pounders,went to cat-fishing that was fun for awhile. Catching 50 or so catfish up to 15 lbs was fun for a while.So I started catching 40,50,60 pounders That was even more fun.Then that got a little boring ,so I started catching them on rod n reel. All this time We vacationed at Port A and always would spend the nights on piers fishing for Sharks. Finally some local friends and guides said this is the place you ought be, so we loaded up the family and moved to the sea. Sea that is in Port A. , Rockport